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Counter-camparison in Dispatcher?

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Per Olsen:

Is there a way (in Dispatcher) to compare 2 counters, and if the difference between them is a certain value, do the action? I cannot figure it out :) 

I use counters a lot, and love them :)  but I haven't found how to do just this :)  Is it possible?

Best regards,

Bernd Senger:
Hi Per,

sure, you can do that. Within the dispatcher you'll find the condition "counter comparism" (expertmode is mandatory). Here you are able to set the conditions between two counters (e.g. not-equal). The corresponding action in your case could be "counter calculation".

Per Olsen:

Thank you.  I already know this.  This works if the 2 counters are equal, or if one is bigger (smaller) than the other.  But I want this to be true ONLY if the difference between the two, are for example 4.  Can I do that?


Stefan Lersch:
Hello Per,

I don't have WDP open right now but I would use a third counter. This counter is always the second counter minus 4. Now you can compare the first and the third counter.

Per Olsen:
Hello, Stefan!

Yes, I was thinking something like that myself.  But I was hoping there was an easier way :)



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