Win-Digipet Forum English


(1/43) > >>

[1] Short note abotu the check routine in Win-Digipet

[2] WIN-DIGIPET Manual version 2018 english available

[3] WDP 2018 now available

[4] Problems after powercut

[5] version 2021 2d

[6] Update 2021.2c

[7] Software WDP 2021.2C

[8] 2021.2 What is new?

[9] ReadyStop and configuration of the WDP

[-] English manual

[-] Safety contact in Routes Editor

[-] Is it possible?

[-] retroazioni

[-] Two railcars as one train

[-] My Profiles not active in Tour Automatic

[-] Loss of logical test symbols when updating to 2021.1

[-] Train stops for no reason

[-] Conditions in profiles to activate macros

[-] Piko smart-decoder ?


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