Win-Digipet Forum English


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[1] How to connect a Märklin Interface

[2] Workshops

[3] Marklin interface 6051

[4] HO Signal 76394

[5] Spontaneous re-boot of the IB

[6] Delayed loco reactions

[7] Routes

[8] Display solenoid device position if manual input on keyboards

[9] Joystick causes immediate program stop

[-] Turntable turning to wrong track

[-] Undesired speed reduction in V 8.1 remains in V 8.4 international

[-] Overflow

[-] Some Questions

[-] Locos won't move Project Status

[-] Locomotves won't move

[-] sort by alphabetic or by i.d number ?

[-] Stop - problem....

[-] Executing Lok functions in Automatic w/DC

[-] No contact with the I.b


[0] Eine Ebene höher

[#] Nächste Seite

[*] Vorherige Sete

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